LFE10系列火焰监测器 SIEMENS(西门子)
主电压 AC220V -15% AC240V +10% AC100V -15% AC1100V +10%
主频率 50 60Hz ±6%
外部保险丝 10A
功率 4.5VA
端口额定电流 2A
保护等级 IP40
重量(不含底座) 305g
Flame safeguards for burners with intermittent operation. For safety reasons - self-test of flame supervision circuit, etc. - at least one controlled shutdown is required every 24 hours. The LFE10 is suited for the supervision of gas flames and luminous or blue-burning oil flames in connection with UV detectors QRA or a flame rectification probe.
Flame safeguards are used primarily in conjunction with the LEC1 burner control on the following applications